Montag, 25. Juni 2012

Choose one!

What am I talking about and what can you choose?

When people tell me that they can't go raw because it would be a challenge to deal with this new lifestyle on a daily basis, I ask them whether they have a quiet, happy and challenge-free life right now.

The answer is usually--> "Of course not! I have to deal with challenges almost on a daily basis. I don't like doing it but I realize that I don't have a choice."

Even though we might sometimes (or often) have the feeling that someone else is "sending" us all those challenges, we choose them all the time.

Whether we do it consciously or not, we constantly create our own reality. Why not choose with purpose?

You can choose your challenges freely. If you find the raw vegan lifestyle challenging,- then why not go for it and overcome that challenge? It will only make you stronger.

You know all the other reasons for going raw.

Here is one more:

it feels fruitilicious!

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