Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

Creating beauty

 Are you enjoying your life?

 If not,- start creating beautiful moments every day. You can do it because you are as powerful as all and each of us. Most of us forgot about it.

 How to do it? Start with practicing what you love doing most.

  Yes, it's as simple as that :-)

By enjoying your actions you'll put yourself into a new flow which will then gain momentum,- it's a wonderful game.

Let's play!

Montag, 9. April 2012

Rawking Easter

Fresh raw juicy fruit is makes you feel beautiful from inside. This is a recipe from Dr. Douglas Graham's book "80/10/10"

It's papaya filled with strawberries, which not only looks gorgeous but also tastes absolutely delicious.
The great news is: we don't need to cook our food anymore. Cooking destroys all the nutrients,- let's go for the best and enjoy RAWKING GOODNESS directly from mother nature.

These are my Easter "eggs",- mangoes hiding inside & surrounded with bishop's weed :-)

Don't they look cute and rawsome?

I love these colors. Let's wake up and start experiencing life FULLY. On a raw vegan lifestyle you'll find it easy to keep an open mind.

Bishop's weed's got a strong taste, it's a powerful plant.

This was my lunch,- mangoes with wild edibles.

Tomato soup for supper with zucchini, avocado, cauliflower and dill.

Blend some tomatoes with red bell peppers, parsley and oregano. Add some green onions or even garlic if you feel like it.


Dienstag, 3. April 2012

Mother Nature

One of the shortcuts to happiness is spending lots of time outside, in the nature.

The beauty of it makes you feel peaceful.

Eating stinging-nettles is an exciting thing to do. They taste fiery!

This sunset was gorgeous,- go out and see for yourself!

Springtime is wonderful.

Back home, I had a little fruity snack and

posed with my new bikini.

Have a fruity day!

Sonntag, 1. April 2012

It's sunny!

The sun came out today,- yipppeeee!

My darlings are having fun with their ipod while I'm enjoying my rawsome meal.

I found lots of wild edibles outside today, including wild garlic, stinging-nettle and bishop's weed!

This one might be a red robin,- I'm not sure.

I love dancing around with my fruit.

                                                                     pssst,- she is sleeping!

It's time for another bridge....

I keep practicing my bridge every day. It makes me feel GOOD!

Raw vegan life rawks,- I love it!