Inspiring books

Reading inspiring books is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and the ones around you. I love surrounding myself with beautiful books, it's almost like choosing your friends because the people who wrote those words of wisdom are very helpful. They offer the most valuable gift of all times to the world: they give of themselves, they write down their experiences so that you can learn from their mistakes. They help you to use your time and energy efficiently by showing you what works and what doesn't.

Here are some of my favorite books:

Dr. Douglas Graham      80/10/10
Dr. Paul Bragg              The miracle of fasting
Dr. Herbert Shelton        Fasting can save your life
Dr. Joe Vitale                Attract money now
Anthony Robbins          Unlimited Power
Eckhart Tolle                The Power of Now,       New Earth
David Pond                   Chakras for beginners
Lao-tzu                        Tao-te-king
Louise L. Hay               You can heal your life

I have many more but will keep this list short and to the point. Keep choosing new books every month and read a new book every week. This will help you to grow fast and to enjoy life more than ever before.